ORECmail Case Study
ORECmail in Action
Case Study: Hilliard Orthodontics
Dr. Keith Hilliard of Lakeland, Florida was one of the first ORECmail clients. He provided feedback on different types of direct mail pieces and worked with us in the development of coupon style offers that have become key elements in today’s most successful mailings.
Dr. Hilliard’s practice experienced a return of 10 to 1 when comparing new contracts written versus the mailing program cost.
Dr. Hilliard further analyzed the effectiveness of ORECmail in a study done with Dean C. Bellavia, Ph.D of the Bio-Engineering Company. The study was conducted in his practice with the same receptionist and treatment coordinator in place and focused on the percentage of exams starting treatment from ORECmail versus all other exams over a 14 month period. The result showed that the percentage of exams starting treatment from ORECmail equaled the percentage of exams starting treatment from all other sources including doctor and patient referrals.